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Taking advantage of openness: understanding the variety of perspectives on open and their impact (83) | Patrick McAndrew and Martin Weller, The Open University | Monday 11:30-13:00 Grainger Suite |
Developing practice based massive open online communities of interest (70) | Chris Follows, University of the Arts London | Monday 11:30-13:00 Grainger Suite |
Focus group evaluation of a student-created open educational resource on obesity (31) | Shannon Boardman, Shade Agboola and Bruce McKenzie, University of Nottingham | Monday 11:30-13:00 Grainger Suite |
Comparing the social, economic and environmental benefits of MOOCs with a massive ‘closed’ online course (33) | Andy Lane, Sally Caird and Martin Weller, The Open University | Monday 11:30-13:00 Marlborough Suite |
Case study on ALISON (Advanced Learning Interactive Systems Online: (71) | Nick Jeans, Sero Consulting Ltd; Bieke Schreurs, Open Universiteit Nederland | Monday 11:30-13:00 Marlborough Suite |
MOOCs and intellectual property rights (93) | Deborah Ferns and Jason Miles-Campbell, Jisc Legal | Monday 11:30-13:00 Marlborough Suite |
Building a global open education working group (20) | Marieke Guy, Open Knowledge Foundation | Monday 11:30-13:00 Darwin Suite |
Using, creating and sharing OER in a flipped classroom (81) | Beatriz de los Arcos, The Open University | Monday 11:30-13:00 Darwin Suite |
Open and shut: linking communities of practice for digital literacy at Leeds Metropolitan University (35) | Erin Nephin and Nick Sheppard, Leeds Metropolitan University | Monday 11:30-13:00 Darwin Suite |
From global to local: learning from TESS-India’s approach to OER localisation across seven Indian states (90) | Leigh-Anne Perryman and Alison Buckler, Open University; Tim Seal, TESS-India & Open University; Shankar Musafir, TESS-India | Monday 14:00-15:30 Grainger Suite |
Creative Commons licensing in multiple contexts (Moodle, MOOCs and FutureLearn) (55) | Steve Stapleton and Andy Beggan, University of Nottingham | Monday 14:00-15:30 Grainger Suite |
When two worlds don’t collide: the marginalisation of open educational practices outside academia (87) | Tony Coughlan and Leigh-Anne Perryman, The Open University | Monday 14:00-15:30 Grainger Suite |
A grand tour of OER policy (62) | Robert Farrow, The Open University; Sara Frank Bristow, Salient Research | Monday 14:00-15:30 Marlborough Suite |
Case study. We’re not the Open University. So can we do it? (50) | Graham R Gibbs and Stephen White, University of Huddersfield | Monday 14:00-15:30 Marlborough Suite |
To share or not to share – an exploration of staff and student attitudes to sharing and using open educational resources (59) | Catherine Naamani, University of South Wales | Monday 14:00-15:30 Darwin Suite |
Reusing open resources: learning in open networks for work, life & education (131) | Allison Littlejohn, Glasgow Caledonian University; Chris Pegler, Open University | Monday 14:00-15:30 Darwin Suite |
Labour of love: why do people contribute (or not contribute) to Wikipedia articles about OER? (82) | Terese Bird, University of Leicester; Sara Frank Bristow, Salient Research; Peter Forsyth, Wiki Strategies; Robert Cummings, University of Mississippi | Monday 14:00-15:30 Darwin Suite |
The ethics of student digital publication (92) | Antonio Martinez-Arboleda, University of Leeds | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Grainger Suite |
A DS106 thing happened on the way to the 3M Tech Forum (109) | Rochelle Lockridge, 3M; Alan Levine, CogDog It; Mariana Funes | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Grainger Suite |
OER Exchange: the new communication tool for OER practitioners (89) | Sara Frank Bristow, Salient Research | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Grainger Suite |
Spreading the word! Librarians and open educational resources (45) | Rebecca Pitt, The Open University; Nancy Graham, University of Roehampton; Eleni Zazani, Birkbeck College | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Marlborough Suite |
Proposed policies to foster open educational resources and practices in UK higher education (67) | Paul Bacsich, Sero | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Marlborough Suite |
Trends in open access to research publications: case study of 274 oncology journals (104) | Simon Cotterill, Newcastle University | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Marlborough Suite |
OER in the Nordic countries - the NordicOER project (102) | Ebba Ossiannilsson, Lund University; Tore Hoel, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Darwin Suite |
A study of popular education approaches to learning in open and online courses (47) | Peter Shukie, University Centre Blackburn College | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Darwin Suite |
Disrupting the discourse – the challenge of engagement in open education resources (99) | Paul Booth, Manchester Metropolitan University | Tuesday 9:00-10:30 Darwin Suite |
Mapping the methods - student-friendly guide for using OERs in Social Science research methods (116) | Anesa Hosein, University of Surrey; Namrata Rao, Liverpool Hope University; Philippa Hunter-Jones, University of Liverpool | Tuesday 11:00-12:30 Grainger Suite |
Are we having fun yet? Introducing play and experimentation into learning innovation through social media (74) | Peter Bryant, London School of Economics and Political Science; Antony Coombs and Monika Pazio, University of Greenwich | Tuesday 11:00-12:30 Grainger Suite |
Formal recognition of open learning – novel unbundled pathways, a learning passport & three cases (120) | Anne-Christin Tannhäuser, European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning | Tuesday 11:00-12:30 Grainger Suite |
Evaluating a new Masters unit in open educational practice for university teachers (110) | Lindsay Jordan, University of the Arts London | Tuesday 11:00-12:30 Marlborough Suite |
Accessing all areas: open practice versus innovation, their influence on Staffordshire University’s open knowledge management (115) | Vicki McGarvey, Staffordshire University | Tuesday 11:00-12:30 Marlborough Suite |
Missing link found! Evolving from open content by embedding open assessments (78) | Brandon Muramatsu, MIT; Justin Ball and Joel Duffin, Open Tapestry; Jeffrey Merriman, MIT; David Wiley, Lumen Learning | Tuesday 14:30-15:00 Grainger Suite |
View list for - Short papers | Lightning talks | Workshops | Posters | Fringes | Keynotes | All