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A DIY kit for policy for policy formulation for OER in HE and FE

Tuesday 11:00-12:30 (1), Ridley Suite

Type: Workshop

Theme: Open policy, research, scholarship and access

http://www.poerup.info/ #oer14 #abs75


Professor Paul Bacsich, Senior Consultant, Sero, [email protected]
Giles Pepler, Senior Consultant, Sero, [email protected]



The aim of this 90-minute workshop is to impart some skills of policy analysis and preparation in the OER context so that attendees can go away more confident that they can formulate OER-relevant policies for their country, region or grouping of institutions, and take away some draft policies.


The two authors have considerable experience over the last few years of EU projects (Re.ViCa, VISCED and POERUP) in analysing global and EU-level policy documents on the higher education sector and further education/vocational education sector with respect to online learning, distance learning and OER in particular.

In parallel with the work by the European Commission (2013) on Opening Up Education, but in advance of its release, they analysed the same evidence base of earlier global and EU documents, in order to produce their EU-level policy documents on HE and FE/VET (Bacsich 2013; Pepler 2013). During this process they deliberately worked independently of each other. In addition the first author was a member of the EU’s Open Education Experts Group. This set of parallel activities has produced a rich perspective on previous OER-relevant policy documents as well as a deep understanding of the EU’s Opening Up Education recommendations. Note that the EU’s recommendations were designed to straddle all education sectors, thus need refinement for each particular sector and adaptation to the policy realities of each country.

The workshop is designed particularly for delegates to OER14 from outside the UK, but is also useful for those in FE from any UK home nation, and for groupings of delegates from post-secondary institutions interested in mutual accreditation and credit transfer (such as the Northern Universities Consortium, NUCCAT). Delegates do not need to be from EU/EEA countries since POERUP has analysed OER activities and OER-relevant policies in countries outside the EU/EEA including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, the United States and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

Delivery Method

The workshop will work best if delegates come in pairs or larger groups, but individuals can be accommodated if they are prepared to do a bit more background reading. It will be very helpful especially if delegates have a personal device with internet access, in order to facilitate rapid retrieval of textual information on policies, and if they notify their intention to attend in advance of the workshop.

There will be two introductory presentations, one on the EU’s Opening Up Education recommendations and the next on the UNESCO (2012) declaration and some of its interpretations (Bacsich 2012). These will in total take 30 minutes including time for questions. The workshop will then split into small groups for 20 minutes, to work on policy. At the end of that period, individuals in the groups will consider whether to work on for another 20 minutes in their group, join another ongoing group, or start in a fresh group. At the end there will be a brief session to hear one key policy from each group. There is 10 minutes allotted for “shuffle time”.


Bacsich, P. (2012). 2012 Paris OER declaration as benchmark. Available from: http://poerup.referata.com/wiki/2012_Paris_OER_Declaration_as_benchmark. [Accessed 26 November 2013].
Bacsich, P. (2013). POERUP - policy advice for universities (Deliverable 4.2U). Available from: http://www.scribd.com/doc/169430544/Policies-at-EU-level-for-OER-uptake-in-universities. [Accessed 26 November 2013].
European Commission. (2013). Opening up education: innovative teaching and learning for all through new technologies and open educational resources (COM(2013) 654 final). Brussels: European Commission.
Pepler. G. (2013). Policy advice for OER uptake in “colleges” (Deliverable 4.2C) (pre-release version 0.7) Available from: http://poerup.referata.com/wiki/File:POERUP_D4_2C_v0.7.pdf. [Accessed 26 November 2013].
UNESCO. (2012). 2012 Paris OER declaration. Available from: http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/Events/Paris%20OER%20Declaration_01.pdf. [Accessed 26 November 2013].

Funding acknowledgements

European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme: for Re.ViCa, VISCED and POERUP.

Further details

Keywords: OER, open educational resources, open educational practices, opening up education, policy

Website: http://www.poerup.info/

Prof Paul Bacsich, Senior Consultant, Sero Consulting Ltd

Twitter: @pbacsich

Twitter abstract: A DIY kit for policy formulation for OER in HE and FE at national and consortium level