OER14 homeApplication › Dr Tom Bartlett

The CADARN learning portal: collaboration and open-ness in mid and north Wales

Tuesday 11:00-12:30 (1), Marlborough Suite

Type: Lightning talk

Theme: Building and linking communities of open practice

www.cadarn.ac.uk #oer14 #abs106


Dr Tom Bartlett, CADARN Learning Portal - Project Manager, Aberystwyth University, [email protected]
Mr Geoff Constable, CADARN Learning Portal Liaison Officer, Aberystwyth University, [email protected]



In 2012 HEFCW approved a total budget of £1.5M to create a web portal - the CADARN Learning Portal - that will facilitate, promote and showcase technology enhanced learning across a group of higher education institutions in Mid and North Wales and support access to learning. The partners are: Aberystwyth, Bangor and Glyndŵr universities, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and the Open University Wales; together these cover a large geographical area and multiple campuses. The project includes funding to develop educational resources that will be made available via the portal. The project team are strongly committed to educational resources published as a result of project funding having as open a license as possible. A policy for publication has been drafted (and will be published) which reflects this.

In a separate development, in September 2013, all the universities represented by Higher Education Wales signed up to The Wales Open Education Declaration of Intent. Although the CADARN Learning Portal is not in a position to proscribe the license that its partners should use when publishing their resources, the Declaration of Intent shows that university’s management in Wales are committed to open licensing too.

Project Vision

CADARN’s Learning Portal will showcase the e-learning resources already produced by the partners’ e-learning teams and teaching staff. It will also present material produced using the equipment and resources provided by the project. The project will facilitate and encourage innovation and best practice by providing a focal point for sharing ideas, experience and publishing highlights to the world. An apparently competing group of institutions will be provided with the means to share good-practice, experience and a platform for their work.


By the time of OER14, every partner will have received funding to develop e-Learning materials, with the intention that these are published as OER. Equipment and staff will be in place for partners to submit these educational resources and associate them with the courses that they offer, either to supplement and illustrate the course material or to be used as stand alone learning objects.

The portal is an opportunity and a catalyst to build bridges between the partners. By sharing resources and working together we will create a bigger online presence and a more useful tool for users. This project offers benefits for the whole CADARN network which together we can use to meet the challenges ahead.

The beta launch of the site is expected later in 2014, but by the time of OER14, each partner - and the project as a whole - will have gained experience of implementing strategies, deploying equipment and software, and tackling the challenges of moving to the production of OER. There will have been opportunity for the partners’ e-learning and support teams to have pooled experience and knowledge gained in this journey. This lightning talk will present to the delegates this work in progress, the experience thus far, and the next steps.


The Wales Open Education Declaration of Intent
Author: Higher Education Wales
September 2013

Funding acknowledgements

The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales


Further details

Keywords: CADARN, Wales, Collaboration, OER, Technology, Learning, Objects

Website: www.cadarn.ac.uk

Dr Tom Bartlett, Project Manager, CADARN Learning Portal

Twitter: @cadarnportal

Twitter abstract: Reporting on progress of a project funding and showcasing the OERs of five Welsh Universities
